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        # OpenSSL::Timestamp::Factory < Object

(from ruby core)
Used to generate a Response from scratch.

Please bear in mind that the implementation will always apply and prefer
the policy object identifier given in the request over the default
policy id specified in the Factory. As a consequence,
`default_policy_id` will only be applied if no Request#policy_id was
given. But this also means that one needs to check the policy identifier
in the request manually before creating the Response, e.g. to check
whether it complies to a specific set of acceptable policies.

There exists also the possibility to add certificates (instances of
OpenSSL::X509::Certificate) besides the timestamping certificate that
will be included in the resulting timestamp token if
Request#cert_requested? is `true`. Ideally, one would also include any
intermediate certificates (the root certificate can be left out - in
order to trust it any verifying party will have to be in its possession
anyway). This simplifies validation of the timestamp since these
intermediate certificates are "already there" and need not be passed as
external parameters to Response#verify anymore, thus minimizing external
resources needed for verification.

### Example: Inclusion of (untrusted) intermediate certificates

Assume we received a timestamp request that has set Request#policy_id to
`nil` and Request#cert_requested? to true. The raw request bytes are
stored in a variable called `req_raw`. We'd still like to integrate the
necessary intermediate certificates (in `inter1.cer` and `inter2.cer`)
to simplify validation of the resulting Response. `ts.p12` is a
PKCS#12-compatible file including the private key and the timestamping

    req =
    p12 ='ts.p12'), 'pwd')
    inter1 ='inter1.cer'))
    inter2 ='inter2.cer'))
    fac =
    fac.gen_time =
    fac.serial_number = 1
    fac.allowed_digests = ["sha256", "sha384", "sha512"]
    #needed because the Request contained no policy identifier
    fac.default_policy_id = ''
    fac.additional_certificates = [ inter1, inter2 ]
    timestamp = fac.create_timestamp(p12.key, p12.certificate, req)

## Attributes

### default_policy_id

Request#policy_id will always be preferred over this if present in the
Request, only if Request#policy_id is nil default_policy will be used.
If none of both is present, a TimestampError will be raised when trying
to create a Response.

    factory.default_policy_id = "string" -> string
    factory.default_policy_id            -> string or nil

### serial_number

Sets or retrieves the serial number to be used for timestamp creation.
Must be present for timestamp creation.

    factory.serial_number = number -> number
    factory.serial_number          -> number or nil

### gen_time

Sets or retrieves the Time value to be used in the Response. Must be
present for timestamp creation.

    factory.gen_time = Time -> Time
    factory.gen_time        -> Time or nil

### additional_certs

Sets or retrieves additional certificates apart from the timestamp
certificate (e.g. intermediate certificates) to be added to the
Response. Must be an Array of OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.

    factory.additional_certs = [cert1, cert2] -> [ cert1, cert2 ]
    factory.additional_certs                  -> array or nil

### allowed_digests

Sets or retrieves the digest algorithms that the factory is allowed
create timestamps for. Known vulnerable or weak algorithms should not be
allowed where possible. Must be an Array of String or OpenSSL::Digest
subclass instances.

    factory.allowed_digests = ["sha1",'SHA256').new] -> [ "sha1", OpenSSL::Digest) ]
    factory.allowed_digests                                               -> array or nil
# Instance methods:


# Attributes:

    attr_accessor additional_certs
    attr_accessor allowed_digests
    attr_accessor default_policy_id
    attr_accessor gen_time
    attr_accessor serial_number


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