This is a Ruby tree! It shows every object from the Ruby Programming Language in a tree format.


        # PP < PrettyPrint

# Includes:
PPMethods (from ruby core)

(from ruby core)
A pretty-printer for Ruby objects.

## What PP Does

Standard output by #p returns this:
    #<PP:0x81fedf0 @genspace=#<Proc:0x81feda0>, @group_queue=#<PrettyPrint::GroupQueue:0x81fed3c @queue=[[#<PrettyPrint::Group:0x81fed78 @breakables=[], @depth=0, @break=false>], []]>, @buffer=[], @newline="\n", @group_stack=[#<PrettyPrint::Group:0x81fed78 @breakables=[], @depth=0, @break=false>], @buffer_width=0, @indent=0, @maxwidth=79, @output_width=2, @output=#<IO:0x8114ee4>>

Pretty-printed output returns this:
        [[#<PrettyPrint::Group:0x81fed78 @break=false, @breakables=[], @depth=0>],
      [#<PrettyPrint::Group:0x81fed78 @break=false, @breakables=[], @depth=0>],

## Usage

    pp(obj)             #=> obj
    pp obj              #=> obj
    pp(obj1, obj2, ...) #=> [obj1, obj2, ...]
    pp()                #=> nil

Output `obj(s)` to `$>` in pretty printed format.

It returns `obj(s)`.

## Output Customization

To define a customized pretty printing function for your classes,
redefine method `#pretty_print(pp)` in the class.

`#pretty_print` takes the `pp` argument, which is an instance of the PP
class. The method uses #text, #breakable, #nest, #group and #pp to print
the object.

## Pretty-Print JSON

To pretty-print JSON refer to JSON#pretty_generate.

## Author
Tanaka Akira <>
# Class methods:



This is MURDOC! A Ruby documentation browser inspired by Smalltalk-80. It allows you to learn about Ruby by browsing through its class hierarchies, and see any of its methods.