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        # OpenStruct.delete_field

(from ruby core)
    delete_field(name) { || ... }


Removes the named field from the object and returns the value the field
contained if it was defined. You may optionally provide a block. If the
field is not defined, the result of the block is returned, or a
NameError is raised if no block was given.

    require "ostruct"

    person = "John", age: 70, pension: 300)

    person.delete_field!("age")  # => 70
    person                       # => #<OpenStruct name="John", pension=300>

Setting the value to `nil` will not remove the attribute:

    person.pension = nil
    person                 # => #<OpenStruct name="John", pension=nil>

    person.delete_field('number')  # => NameError

    person.delete_field('number') { 8675_309 } # => 8675309


This is MURDOC! A Ruby documentation browser inspired by Smalltalk-80. It allows you to learn about Ruby by browsing through its class hierarchies, and see any of its methods.