This is a Ruby tree! It shows every object from the Ruby Programming Language in a tree format.


        # Numeric.nonzero?

(from ruby core)
    nonzero?  ->  self or nil


Returns `self` if `self` is not a zero value, `nil` otherwise; uses
method `zero?` for the evaluation.

The returned `self` allows the method to be chained:

    a = %w[z Bb bB bb BB a aA Aa AA A]
    a.sort {|a, b| (a.downcase <=> b.downcase).nonzero? || a <=> b }
    # => ["A", "a", "AA", "Aa", "aA", "BB", "Bb", "bB", "bb", "z"]

Of the Core and Standard Library classes, Integer, Float, Rational, and
Complex use this implementation.


This is MURDOC! A Ruby documentation browser inspired by Smalltalk-80. It allows you to learn about Ruby by browsing through its class hierarchies, and see any of its methods.