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        # Integer.round

(from ruby core)
    round(ndigits= 0, half: :up) -> integer


Returns `self` rounded to the nearest value with a precision of
`ndigits` decimal digits.

When `ndigits` is negative, the returned value has at least
`ndigits.abs` trailing zeros:

    555.round(-1)      # => 560
    555.round(-2)      # => 600
    555.round(-3)      # => 1000
    -555.round(-2)     # => -600
    555.round(-4)      # => 0

Returns `self` when `ndigits` is zero or positive.

    555.round     # => 555
    555.round(1)  # => 555
    555.round(50) # => 555

If keyword argument `half` is given, and `self` is equidistant from the
two candidate  values, the rounding is according to the given `half`

*   `:up` or `nil`: round away from zero:

        25.round(-1, half: :up)      # => 30
        (-25).round(-1, half: :up)   # => -30

*   `:down`: round toward zero:

        25.round(-1, half: :down)    # => 20
        (-25).round(-1, half: :down) # => -20

*   `:even`: round toward the candidate whose last nonzero digit is

        25.round(-1, half: :even)    # => 20
        15.round(-1, half: :even)    # => 20
        (-25).round(-1, half: :even) # => -20

Raises and exception if the value for `half` is invalid.

Related: Integer#truncate.


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